Almost every reader has that one book that starts off the new year for them. That book that sets a hopeful and positive tone for January 1. For me, the book for 2024 is I Didn’t Do the Thing Today, by Madelein Dore.
It might seem a little odd to start off the year with a book bearing such a name. But far from the laziness and slacker lifestyle the title seems to suggest, I Didn’t Do the Thing Today is actually a most positive and useful book on productivity and the truth behind what really gets things done.
When the pandemic began in 2020, I found myself, like many, inundated with worry and anxiety. To cope, I wrote. Then I wrote some more. I wrote 4 books in 3 years, a number of articles, plus many short stories. I eventually signed a publishing contract and taught classes on writing and productivity. It all sounds amazing on paper, when in truth I was running myself ragged trying to build my author career on top of a full time job and two young children. The to-do list was growing fast and even worse, I was the one adding to it nonstop. Finally, after a massive burnout, I found myself reevaluating how I went about my days, and it was during this time that I stumbled onto this book.

Unlike many other books on productivity, I Didn’t Do the Thing Today takes productivity off its pedestal and examines productivity guilt (which I was suffering a generous amount of) with a close eye. It calls out the unrealistic urge to plan flawless, perfect routines (something I was becoming quite obsessed with) and encourages the reader to embrace the ebb and flow that comes with each day as normal and natural.
As I read this book, I felt myself relaxing, taking a deep breath, and re-examining my life and priorities. After a few frantic years of putting productivity ahead of everything, I was ready to reset. This year, I hope to live for joy and fulfillment instead of burying myself in an endless to-do list. If you are looking to do the same, pick up I Didn’t Do the Thing Today. I promise you won’t regret it.
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