Two things got me thinking about the vulnerability of being a creative recently. One was getting the chance to reconnect with a friend and fellow author, Dr. Deborah Lukovich, this past week, when we talked candidly, among other things, about how shame and vulnerability relates to the creative life. The other was reading the popular book Daring Greatly, by Brene Brown.
You see, being a creative is in itself a vulnerable act.
You must first have the courage to admit to yourself that you want to create, then have the bravery to actually bring it to fruition. Finally, the shamelessness to put it out into the world, where you might be ridiculed, judged, questioned, and/or being told “so-and-so already did that”.
I am grateful for the uncertainty.
Because uncertainty and the chance to be vulnerable are privileges. We can’t predict how our creativity will manifest, and without embracing uncertainty, the alternative is to not create at all, and that is never an option.
So I take a moment to appreciate uncertainty, and go on creating.
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